Evaria the Bard We're working on a new way to engage with our stories, a video game! Elegy for Evaria will tell the tale of a bard thought long lost! Skull Wisps Evaria makes her daring escape after being imprisioned for hundreds of mortal years by an evil sound revenant...she'll have to venture across haunted lands and shadowy tombs to get away and lay claim to the key to un-bind her curse! Tomb Wurm Our hero will face monsterous tomb wurms, the soul-bound dead, and the enchanted blades! Good thing her composure attack hits on either side of her! Soul Blade We hope to release several stages featuring many characters from our collection of chronicles... Dolmen Keep an eye out for our first level with Evaria! We'll post it as a flash game to play through this website for free! Soul Bound Dead Once we have a full game to release we'd like to use it to generate donations to various charities! You'll be able to play in our world while changing yours! Toad Tree
Collection: Blogs & Blurbs - by Valhel
Dear Reader, With this site and our social media outlets I hope we can build a community of people who love mythology and the One True Mythology, the Gospel. I am a youth director at a church and I always seem to be weaving story telling into ministry. Through special events like the Halleaux or the Mountain, we've told fun stories about brave adventurers fighting to discover, share, and preserve their faith. While telling these tales of make believe our goal was to help our students increase their faith in Christ, that the make believe would be an avenue to make some believe. Of course it can get tricky when you're telling a story based in fantasy as a tool for the purpose of sharing the true story found in scripture. Trust me, I'll spend some time discussing that predicament, its perks and problems, in a future post. So what will Aeon Chronicler be? Great question, we're still figuring that out! But we do have some goals and projects for the first year. In youth ministry there seems to be tremendous effort made in reaching out to students through sports and music, but I haven't really seen to many programs focussed on students who take interest in things like video games, fantasy, and the like. (Not to say that there aren't any, there certainly are!) One of our aims at Aeon Chronicler is to explore new ways to engage "nerd culture" among students with the Gospel. We'll look at things like gaming, movies, events, and maybe even develop our own VBSlike material designed with Youth Groups in mind. While looking for ways to engage in these fantastical sub-cultures we might as well jump in! A few of our contributors, "Chroniclers", spend their free time enjoying hobbies such as trading card games, MMOs, DC & Marvel, and more! Some of our posts will focus on these subjects as we enthusiastically enjoy them and wish to share that joy with our readers. Some of these discussions may even be found in the form of Youtube Videos and Interviews. We'll also be unboxing Loot Crates once a month (for now) to share with you! Other video ideas we have are gameplay recordings of some of our Chroniclers, discussions and reviews of movies, youth ministry opportunities, and watching me try and fail at games that you suggest! We're also working on a small RPG Game that you can download and play. It'll be an 8bit adventure about a Chronicler attempting to collect missing scrolls in dangerous and odd worlds. This game will also poke fun at RPGs and other observations we've made about pop culture. Expect to die a lot in hilarious ways. Look for these installments of the RPG in the next few months! Aeon Chronicler will also host a collection of short stories! I've been writing short fantasies since jr high, and now I'd like to shape them with you, dear reader, through our posts in two different ways. You'll notice that we have a Canon blog and a Submissions blog. Canon is where you can find the working projects and stories of our Official Chroniclers. These tales are approved and deemed official works in progress. Under the Submissions page you may find stories crafted by other story tellers, these stories are not official or canon, but they are up for review! We'd love to see our readers take our stories, characters, and universes and imagine their own tales to tell! Once a Submission gains traction with readers, our Lore Masters will review the story and work with the author to shape it into Official Canon. So start reading, commenting, and crafting your legends! Finally, Aeon Chronicler is a place for the Gospel. Our "Chroniclers" are believers, our faith and hope is in Christ for the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection into eternal life. Shelving the fantasy, we'll look into the One True Mythology, the Bible, and share devotionals, posts on ministry, and the like. Expect to see encouragement for church leaders, discussions on how a believer interacts with the darkness that can be found in media, and some suggestions on engaging students with the Gospel. In this broad spectrum of subjects, dear reader, I hope Aeon Chronicler will take shape and foster a community of people who love mythology and the One True Mythology. -Valhel |
Blurbs & BlogsChroniclers will post their stories, opinions, and silliness. Archives
December 2019